Tuesday, September 06, 2005
posted 9/06/2005 04:19:00 PM UTC+12, McMurdo Local Time

Down in GA

The last several days have been busy, but not a whole lot of Antarctica related stuff going on. Over the weekend, we went out to visit with some friends in Wolfe Co, KY, which was a lot of fun, then Sunday morning my mom and I left Kentucky and met my dad in Tennessee. Dad and I continued on to his place (where I grew up) near Sautee, GA where I'm going to hang out for a little more than two weeks and then go back to Boulder before heading down to the ice. Today, I visited with my grandfather for a bit and then helped my dad out with clearing out a logjam near the house. Here's a picture of me working on clearing out the creek (kids, you know the routine - don't try this at home.) Going to go pick up my new down jacket tomorrow from the outfitter I used to work at, then do who knows what else. Will post more when there is more to post!

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