Thursday, June 16, 2005
posted 6/16/2005 01:50:00 PM UTC+12, McMurdo Local Time

PQ stuff done!?

So, last monday I went over to the dentist and got a couple small cavities filled as planned. The dentist visit ended up costing a lot more than I had anticipated, which isn't good but I had to pay for it to go to the ice so I did. It's looking like the dentist might cut me a deal and reduce the price a little bit, but either way it's done and I've paid for it. The dentist visit was the last thing I needed to complete all my PQ paperwork, so I got it all organized and mailed off Monday evening. Today I called Scott, who is my main contact at RPSC, and updated him on the hiring situation-sounds like I should find out whether I'm PQed or more work is needed sometime early next week.

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